Today is Father’s Day so it is only fitting that I find myself writing my weekly post. In 1992 I was literally a new dad with absolutely no clue what to do. As I mentioned last week, I was working around the clock in a few different industries just to make ends meet. Even though the hardships, I somehow knew everything was going to be okay. I didn’t know exactly how but my gut told me to keep your head down and work hard, never letting go of the dream for a stable life.

Twenty-eight years later, I find myself writing this weekly post on my back patio overlooking a beautiful lake and thinking about how I wouldn’t’ change a thing. Sure, I haven’t done everything perfectly but no one is perfect. The end certainly justified the means. I have four absolutely wonderful sons in Blake, Lance, Luke, and Scot, all of which are unique in their own way. You mess with one and you might as well know, you are messing with all. However, individually, they all offer something special to this world. I may be a little biased but anyone lucky enough to meet them will instantly understand what I mean.

Today I also want to recognize three men that have had a major impact on my life. This includes my dad Mike Campbell; my grandfather, Winfred Robinett; and lastly, my step-father Richard Carlisle. Similar to my four my boys, they too offer the world their own unique perspective. Throughout my life, they have all taught me valuable lessons and while I haven’t always agreed with their perspectives, they have always respected the decisions I made.

In 1992, I had no plan or map as to how to navigate the terrain but I did have these three men who were like a compass to help guide me through both the rocky and the smooth waters ahead. Hopefully, I too can help my boys with their journey into fatherhood. I’ll take a little of the wisdom from my dad, pop, and grandfather, and couple it with the lessons I learned along the way. There is no greater honor than being a dad and so on this day, I wish all the dads out there a Happy Fathers Day!

24 of 50 - 1992

